

The estimated cost of attending PG电子APP for the semesters in which you will be enrolled during an academic year and the COA budget is used to determine your financial aid eligibility. 出席费用金额包括以下内容:

  • 估计的学杂费
    学费 -课程收费
    费用 -其他学院服务的收费
  • 估计的书籍和用品
  • 学生的食宿——包括住房、水电费和伙食费.
  • 杂项费用 -个人护理津贴和与上大学有关的其他费用
  • 估计运输费用
  • 估计学生贷款费用


学生/家庭支付给学院的费用, 比如学费, 学费和校内住宿(如适用).


一种必须带利息偿还的经济援助形式. 教育贷款有不同的利率和还款条件. Students and/or parents are required to sign a promissory note when accepting an educational loan.

学生贷款: Funds awarded to the student that must eventually be paid back to the lender by the student.

  • 联邦直接学生贷款: 由美国政府提供给学生的贷款资金.S. 教育部,通过学院. Repayment of principal begins six months after the borrower ceases to be a student on at least a half-time basis. 联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)是年度申请. 有两种类型的联邦直接学生贷款:补贴和无补贴. 有经济需要的学生有资格获得补贴贷款, and the government pays the interest on the loan while the student remains enrolled at least half time. Students who don't demonstrate financial need qualify for an unsubsidized loan and interest accrues while the student is in school.
  • 联邦毕业生PLUS贷款: 美国政府为研究生提供的贷款基金.S. 教育部,通过学院. This federal loan program allows graduate students with no adverse credit history to apply for up to their 出勤费用 each year, 减少任何经济援助. 要符合资格, the student must be enrolled at least half time in an eligible program of study and first borrow the maximum allowable through the Federal Direct Student Loan program. Repayment of principal and interest begins 30 to 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed with deferment and forbearance options available.
  • 私人(另类)贷款: 一笔商业贷款, state-affiliated or institutional lender used to pay for up to the annual cost of education, 减去收到的任何经济援助. Private 贷款 usually require the applicant to be creditworthy or have a co-signer and have varying interest rates, 费用及还款选择. 利息(通常是本金)的偿还通常立即开始, 一些贷款机构提供在校期间的延期付款选择.

联邦家长贷款(PLUS): A federal loan program that allows parents who have no adverse credit history to apply for up to the 出勤费用 each year, 减少任何经济援助. PLUS贷款必须连本带利偿还.


Academic workload (or course load), that a student is carrying for a defined academic period. This relates to the number of credit hours taken by a student during a semester (academic period). 有资格获得大多数类型的经济援助, a student must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours for Undergraduate students or 3 credit hours for Graduate students). PG电子APP的入学状况:

  • 全日制状态=每学期至少12学分
  • 全日制状态=每学期至少6学分
  • 三学期制=每学期至少9-11学分
  • 三学期成绩=不适用
  • 半日制=每学期至少6-8学时
  • 半学期状态=每学期至少3-5个学分


A number used by the College to calculate how much financial aid the student is eligible to receive, 如果有任何. This number is based on the financial information provided in the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 这不是家庭必须支付给学院的金额, 也不是授予学生的联邦学生援助金额.


A grant provided by the federal government to qualified undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need and have an Expected Family Contribution below a threshold designated annually by the U.S. Department of 教育, based on the amount of program funds appropriated by Congress.


A grant provided by the federal government to qualified undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Pell 格兰特 recipients and funds must be awarded by the school in lowest EFC order.


A program that provides part-time on-campus employment opportunities to eligible students attending PG电子APP who need the earnings to help meet their costs of postsecondary education.


授予学生的不需要偿还的资金, 除非学生不能满足某些条件, 比如服务要求或平均绩点, 指定为授予的条件. Gift aid includes awards with titles such as grants, scholarships, remissions, waivers, etc. 捐赠援助可以根据许多因素颁发, 包括(但不限于)经济需求, 学术, 与各种团体的联系, 或者职业抱负.


赠予不需要偿还的学生的助学金. 补助金通常是基于经济需要.


Expenses incurred as a result of attendance that the student/family may pay to a third party other than the College.  这些费用可能包括(但不限于)租金/住房, 书籍及用品, 运输, 学生贷款费用和杂项费用.


Amount of direct and indirect costs remaining after all gift aid (scholarship and grant) is subtracted.


出席费用和所有礼物援助之间的差额. 自付费用可以通过各种渠道支付, 包括:储蓄, 收入和学生贷款.


赠予不需要偿还的学生的助学金. 奖学金 awards are typically based on merit 或者两者的组合 of merit and need, 比如学习成绩优秀, 与各种团体的联系, 或者职业抱负.


以贷款或学生就业形式提供的经济援助. 贷款是用来帮助支付馈赠援助扣除后的剩余净成本. Student employment earnings (including Federal Work-Study awards) are generally not deducted from billed costs but can be used to help cover indirect costs and are paid in the form of wages to the student.


确认申请人在FAFSA上提供的数据准确性的过程. 以完成验证过程, 学生需要向PG电子APP提供某些文件以供审查.